Thursday 12 April 2012

The hay fever is breathing in caused by in pollen

The her fever seasonal also a called rein
conjunctivitis occurs in the spring  the summer .
The affect eyes and nose . The linked to oral
allergy syndrome.
Causes of hay fever The hay fever is breathing in caused by in
pollen .The  particles and by pollen getting into the eyes.
 You can get hay fever at any time from early spring to late summer
, depending on which pollen or pollens you're allergic to.

The pollens most likely to cause problems in early spring are those
 from trees such as the silver birch, ash, oak and London plane.

Grasses pollinate during mid-summer from May to August.
The most profusely pollinating grasses are timothy, rye
, cocks foot, meadow and festive.

Occasionally, in late summer and autumn, weeds such as
 nettles and dock as well as mugwort and plantain can trigger hay fever.

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