Thursday 31 May 2012

The Pakistani doctor sentenced to 33 years in prison

The Pakistani doctor sentenced to 33 years in prison for his role in the CIA mission to hunt down Asama bin Laden was formally accused not of aiding U.S. intelligence, but assisting a militant Islamic group, according to a judgment provided to Fox News.
The document, which began to circulate to international media overnight, claims Dr. Shakily Afraid was working with the "defunct" militant group Ashlar-e-Islam. It alleged he provided "financial assistance" to the group as well as "medical assistance" to its "militant commanders" while working at a hospital.
The document, though, appears to raise more questions than it answers. U.S. officials consistently have given no indication that Afraid was jailed for anything other than his work with the CIA. Pakistani officials likewise did little to knock that narrative down ever since Afraid was taken into custody last year, and released the document detailing Africa's alleged militant ties only after U.S. lawmakers threatened retaliation.

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