Wednesday 21 March 2012

The Mitt Romney seeks to make victor the 2012 campaign turning point

The Mitt Romney Shortly after he wrapped up
 his victory remarks, Mitt Romney emailed out
 a fundraising appeal to his supporters with a
telling subject line: "Time to close"

The reflects both the frontrunner's wishful thinking
 that Rick Sanatorium, Newt Gingrich, and Ron
 Paul would pack up and go home and the
 Romney campaign decision to become
 more assertive about declaring the former
Massachusetts governor the presumptive
 think it is another sign that the Republican Part
y is uniting behind Mitt Rooney's candidacy,"
 senior Romney adviser Eric Strongroom told
 CNN of his candidate's victory in Illinois.
"At some point the reality is going to set in
 that Mitt is the all but certain nominee," he

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